foto per Hiker Meat (Rough Cut)

Un fotoset per la performance al Teatro Eliseo di Lustfaust e Jamie Shovlin.
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hiker meat (rough cut) – a cura di macro e fondazione giuliani per l’arte
Conceptual artist Jamie Shovlin works on modern media mithology, inventing cross-medial fictional phenomenon.
After the invention of a chronical fact on 2004 – the “tragical story” of disappeared schoolgirl Naomi V. Jelish (told by her drawings, diaries and journals stictly realised by Shovlin himself) – he invented in 2006 the fake and “fogotten” rockband Lustfaust.
Today Shovlin has realised a fake trash film, inspired by Italian Seventies B movies and actually at its “Rough cut”.
Lustfaust, sure, realised the soudtrack.
I shot Lustfaust live performance, presenting Hiker Meat rough cut.